WEEK 2 – FREE Mindfulness, Meditation Series

WEEK 2 - FREE Mindfulness, Meditation Series


March 29    
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Join Mat in-person at the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Rockaway / Denville.

FREE Happiness Workshop POP Lutheran

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
10 Knoll Drive
Rockaway, NJ 07866

IMPORTANT – stay up to date – please join my newsletter to receive last minute announcements in case we need to cancel due to weather or other conflicts

NO RSVP necessary, just show up.

This series will cover a wide range of topics dealing with happiness.

  • Using meditation as a way to get rid of stress that has built up during the day.
  • Using mindfulness as a way to prevent stress from building up in the first place.
  • Using unconditional love to stop the mind from judging the world and yourself.

Each week will feature one or two meditations and discussion about the things in life that make us unhappy, cause stress and anxiety.

Even though this is hosted by the Lutheran Church, it is not religious in any way and is open to all. So please join Mat, escape the stress and start to find a little peace in your life.

All are welcome. Beginners to advanced. No experience necessary, just an open mind and a willingness to listen with your heart. We will sit in the pews at the church but you are also welcome to bring your own yoga mat and cushions if you prefer to sit on the floor.

NO RSVP necessary, just show up. But please join my newsletter to receive last minute announcements in case we need to cancel for whatever reason.

Stressed, depressed, overwhelmed, unhappy?

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