Thanksgiving Book Deal

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50% off the Print version

Print Book and Kindle eBook - Understanding Happiness Pocket Companion Workbook

2 Days Only – you can download the Kindle eBook version of “Understanding Happiness ~Pocket Companion Workbook” for FREE. Only on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

4 Days Only – you can pick up a copy of the print version of “Understanding Happiness ~Pocket Companion Workbook” for just $3.99. That’s 50% off.
Black Friday thru Cyber Monday

Click to buy the Understanding Happiness book on amazon
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Meditation Peace Happiness

Best Time to Buy

Not just because the holidays are right around the corner and these make great gifts for the loved ones in your life, but because I just made some substantial updates to the book based on all the wonderful feedback I’d received over the past year. So this anniversary edition is packed full of new material that expands on key concepts.

Since I wrote the book on happiness, I have seen it transform so many people. But at the same time, it became clear that not everybody grasped the concepts I was trying to explain fully. In that time, I’ve also come to the conclusion that the most significant part of the book and the one that has the most immediate impact had the least amount of explanation.

Unconditional love is just so unbelievably simple to practice but transforms every interaction you have with the world. It doesn’t make you weak or wimpy, but instead it allows you to ignore those thoughts in your head that so often derail us. Make us afraid of what people might think about us and hold us locked up.

It transforms your being at the very core, as each moment of your day you are experiencing limitless joy. The health benefits alone are quite miraculous.

So, go ahead and give yourself a treat. If you already picked up a copy of the first version, then this new one definitely adds some more spice. Give your old copy to a friend.

Love and peace to you all.

The Gregarious Hermit

Click to buy the Understanding Happiness book on amazon
(Amazon affiliate link)
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